Calvin Smith Law - The Injury Lawyers

How Much of a Settlement to Expect for a Herniated Disc

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Herniated disc injuries are one of the most common car accident injuries. There are many other causes, but car accidents stand out. Car crashes are always terrible experiences, but a herniated disc injury can make it worse. Knowing how much money to expect from a settlement is, therefore, vital information.

Herniated discs are severe injuries. Nothing can take away the pain you have already endured. However, it would be best if you didn’t also have to bear the financial burden. That is why it would be best to hire an Atlanta car accident lawyer. An excellent lawyer can help you recover any money you spent because of your injury.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Your spine consists of 24 bones called vertebrae, cushioned with soft disks made from a jelly-like substance. A herniated or slipped disc occurs when one of these jelly-like discs slips out of position. The force that hits your back from an accident is sufficient to cause this shift. It’s the discomfort this causes that requires treatment for which you deserve a settlement.

One of the primary symptoms of a herniated disc is back pains. So, if you notice any back pains after surviving a car accident, it would be best to have the doctors check that spot for a herniated disc. This pain could even spread to your thighs, buttocks, and calves. Do not assume that every back pain after an accident is from a herniated disc. Only a doctor can authoritatively make such a diagnosis. Furthermore, other signs of a herniated disc injury include numbness or tingling and weakness. Your doctor can treat you with medication, therapy, steroid injections, or surgery, depending on your case’s circumstances.

What Damages Can I Recover for Herniated Disc?

There are different types of damages, and the one you can collect depends on multiple factors. You may be unable to receive all the types of damages we list below. The severity of your injury strongly determines what you receive. Recoverable damages include:

  • Medical bills, including the cost of medical equipment
  • Lost wages
  • Non-economic losses such as pain and suffering
  • Costs of hiring domestic help for your tasks if the pain incapacitates you
  • Transportation costs to and fro doctor’s appointments
  • Punitive damages

What Is the Value of my Herniated Disc?

We wish that we could give you a definite figure to expect from your herniated disc injury settlement. However, there is no such number. Instead, many factors determine how much you get out of your herniated disc settlement. So, rather than research the average herniated disc settlement, it would be best to evaluate the facts of your case.

The relevant factors include:

  • The Severity of Your Injuries

This may well be the most significant determinant of your settlement amount. More serious injuries will certainly receive higher compensation. However, less severe injuries will be cheaper to settle. Important questions will include:

  • Did your injury result in permanent disability?
  • How many discs slipped out of position?
  • Whether you had any previous back injuries

The answers to these questions determine how many figures your settlement will be.

  • Cost and Type of Treatment

We mentioned about four different types of treatment above. The severity of your injury often determines what treatment method your doctor employs. All the methods have varied impacts on your settlement. The general rule is that the cheaper the treatment, the lower your settlement money. For instance, if your doctor treats you with medications, you will recover less than you would have gotten if you had undergone surgery.

  • Any Lost Wages

If you were unable to resume work because of your injury, you could recover your lost wages. This calculation will be easy as you only need to calculate the amount of your lost earnings while your injury lasted.

Some other important factors include:

  • Whether you delayed treatment
  • Your contribution to the accident
  • The extent of vehicular damage

Georgia’s Best Accident Injury Lawyers to Your Rescue

If you’ve been in a car accident where you suffered a herniated disc injury, you can recover damages. You shouldn’t have to pay the costs of your treatment out of your pocket. Instead, the fault driver should foot the bills. With a herniated disc, you certainly cannot initiate the claims process by yourself. Therefore, you need the best car accident injury attorneys in Atlanta to represent you.

Calvin Smith lawyers have spent their lives getting car accident settlements for Georgia residents. With our wealth of experience, we can get you the maximum settlement for your injuries. So, why not call us today for a FREE consultation on your case.

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