Calvin Smith Law - The Injury Lawyers

Can I Get Compensation for Paralysis After a Macon Car Crash?

car accident

Car crashes can result in a wide range of injuries. One of the most serious and distressing is paralysis. While it can be partial or temporary, in some cases, it can be total or permanent. Even temporary, partial paralysis can have a significant impact on an accident victim’s life, and it must be taken seriously. If someone else’s actions caused the accident that resulted in your paralysis, you should be able to get compensation. A Macon car accident lawyer can help you to recover your losses.

Types of Paralysis That Can Occur After an Accident

Accident victims often suffer damage to their nerves, brain, and spinal cord and this can result in paralysis. People who are paralyzed lose the ability to control certain muscles because the nerves no longer transmit the necessary signals.

Paralysis can affect any part of the body. It can impact the left side, the right side or both. It can also affect the entire upper body, the entire lower body or both. A lot depends on which part of the body was damaged. For example, neck injuries tend to result in paralysis of the arms, legs, and chest.

Partial paralysis means that the victim only loses muscle function in certain parts of the affected area. On the other hand, total paralysis means they don’t have control over any of the muscles in the affected area.

As noted earlier, paralysis can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary paralysis tends to be caused by swelling or pressure. As these go away over time, the paralysis usually goes away as well. If temporary paralysis isn’t promptly and properly treated, it can become permanent.

Regardless of the specific type of paralysis, the victim is often left with high medical bills and they may be incapable of working for an extended period. Some can never do the work they once did. If you’ve been paralyzed because of a crash that was not your fault, you need to seek help from a Macon car accident lawyer.

How to Get Compensation for Paralysis After an Accident

Paralysis presents some unique challenges. While many injuries are debilitating and costly to treat, they are usually temporary. However, it can take up to six months to know if paralysis is temporary or permanent. All the while, the victim finds it difficult or impossible to carry out their regular activities.

It’s crucial that you seek medical attention immediately after the accident. In a serious accident, you’ll likely be taken to the emergency room in an ambulance. However, if your injuries seem minor, you may want to take a wait and see approach. This is never a good idea. Don’t assume the numbness or tingling you feel will go away after a night’s rest.

Paralysis is serious and it needs to be treated immediately in an effort to keep the long-term effects to a minimum. Seeking immediate treatment also helps to show the insurance company that your injuries are genuine and serious. If you wait too long to see a doctor or you don’t get the recommended treatment, the insurer is likely to be suspicious.

You also need to file a timely insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurer. However, it’s also important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible. They will help to ensure that you do everything right. No matter how badly you need the money, the insurance company will look for ways to get out of paying you. Since paralysis can result in significant damages, they’ll be even more reluctant to approve your claim. They may deny your claim or make you an offer that doesn’t cover your losses. Having an experienced attorney on your side can make all the difference.

You’ll need to present evidence to support your claim. This means you have to keep track of all the expenses and financial losses associated with your injury. You also need to keep records of how your condition is affecting your life. Some of the things you may need to include are:

  • Lost wages
  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation or physical therapy
  • Assistive devices like wheelchairs
  • Changes to your home to accommodate your disability
  • Counseling costs

While getting compensation for these things won’t make your life the way it was before, it can help you to cope. Damages are intended to make you as whole as possible. The person who caused your life to change so radically should be held responsible.

Talk to an Attorney at Calvin Smith Law Today

Let or Macon car accident attorneys help you. You should have to bear the costs associated with your injury on your own. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.


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